Juicy stuffed peppers with minced meat and rice – a true classic of Hungarian cuisine! This spicy specialty impresses with its hearty flavor and a delicious sauce. Perfect for a cozy meal at home or on the go while camping. Try the recipe now and enjoy a piece of Hungary on your plate!
For 4 servings
Preparation: 30 minutes
Baking time: 30 minutes
100 g rice, cooked
250 g minced meat, mixed
1 onion
1 TL sweet paprika powder
salt and pepper
4 pieces of bell pepper (2 red and
2 yellow)
50 g cheese, grated
Cook rice with water and a little salt in a pot. Dice the onion very finely. Mix with minced meat, paprika powder, salt, and pepper in a
Mix the bowl and season to taste.
Remove the seeds from the bell pepper by cutting out the stem in a circular shape at the top. Remove the seeds and inner membranes. Lightly salt the inside of the bell pepper. Fill half with rice and the other half with ground meat. Place in the greased RoadBaker baking dish and bake.
5 min. on maximum heat, 20 min. on minimum heat.
Then sprinkle cheese on top and cook for another 5 minutes on the highest heat.
Tip: Fresh dips made from sour cream or yogurt, or a
Classic mushroom cream sauce goes well with stuffed peppers. Otherwise, a green salad always pairs nicely.
How about ...
an alternative filling? Couscous or potatoes are a per-
fake alternative for the classic rice filling. Feta in the meat-
the mixture is also suitable as a spicy filling.
#UngarischePaprika #GefülltePaprika #HerzhafteKüche #CampingRezepte #VanlifeEssen #Hausmannskost #PaprikaRezept #Soulfood #LeckerUndWürzig #KochenUnterwegs